Pasta for Lazy People



Ok, so here’s an update for you spaghetti-challenged Americans that are ruining the gene pool. This is how you make spaghetti.

1. You open the box.

2. You stick it into a pot of boiling water.

3. Yes, it may protrude more than slightly from the top of the pot.

4. But, it will eventually sink down and boil into delicious goodness within about 10 minutes.

If you need to buy this spaghetti that “changes things forever,” well, I can’t help you.

It’s one in the morning, what are you doing?

I’ve got to hand it to the designer who came up with candy blocks. When something is delicious and useful it’s a win-win for sure. Here is my new home being built in the shadows of the Diet Coke Forest and the Tower of Solarcaine.


The bed is lookin’ pretty comfy at this time of night…

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But sometimes an evil giant comes and gnaws away at my progress…

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