Elisabeth Newton: Contemporary Pearls

I met Elisabeth Newton at Richmond’s Bizarre Bazaar back in early December and couldn’t resist sharing some of her creations with you all. She works from Golden Belt Studios in Durham, N.C. While many of her designs are snagged by brides, they are also gorgeous for the everyday. Aren’t you jealous of her light and airy studio space?

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Star Light, Star Bright: Celestial Designs I’m Loving

With the Christmas season approaching, one motif I think that gets forgotten about (along with Reindeer)is stars. I’m not saying these stars have to be biblical, celestial bodies are something that humans have long drawn inspiration from.

Star Light Star Bright
1. Pink Constellation Throw Pillow by GaleStorm via Society6.com

2. LAF des etoiles by Katherine Sandoz via sandozia.com. Katherine is having a 50 percent-off, slate-clearing sale of her entire online boutique from now until the fifteenth of December. Don’t wait!

3. Branched Bracelet by Elisabeth Newton via elizabethnewton.bigcartel.com

4. Gemini Constellation Pendant Necklace via Julie Nolan Jewelry